The Rama-Veliaj couple closes the Instagram of JOQ Albania

Shkruar nga: M Gjini | Publikuar më: 24.10.2022, 22:36

A few moments ago, through an attack organized by patronageists of the Rama-Veliaj couple, as we had warned, the Instagram account of Joq Albania with over 1.3 million followers was closed. Apparently, the harsh truth of the reality that surrounds us, denounced by hundreds of thousands of Albanians in the inbox of Joq Albania, has ruined the propaganda of the Rama-Veliaj duo on the eve of the local elections.

But why and how did the closing of the Instagram account with 1.3 million followers of Joq Albania happen by the patronageists who are paid by our taxes? We are giving you a detailed overview below to understand what happened.


It all started with a video published a few days ago in the case of the flooding of the neighborhoods in Don Bosco, Tirana. The video in question was posted as a story on Joq Albania's official Instagram. Suddenly, a few hours later, it disappears from Instagram with the absurd reason that the story in question was against the guidelines against violence and dangerous organizations. According to this logic, by publishing a video showing the flooding of the streets in Don Bosco, it was violence and dangerous organization. It is not understood for whom the violence or the dangerous organization was in this case? Maybe against the propaganda of Erion Veliaj and the presentation of facts from our page that the streets in Don Bosco were flooded? Below you will find the video in question where it is quite clear that it has nothing to do with violence or dangerous organizations.


The second case was about a news story translated by the most prestigious international media outlets. Playing video games can cause life-threatening cardiac arrhythmias in children with undiagnosed heart conditions, according to a scientific report. In the report published in the journal "Heart Rhythm", scientists urged parents to take children who suffer from low blood pressure or fainting during play to a heart specialist. Even according to specialist Dr Claire M Lawley, "Video games can represent a serious risk for some children with arrhythmic conditions; they can be fatal in patients with predisposing, but often previously unrecognized, arrhythmic conditions". This news was published by Joq Albania to inform parents in order to consult a doctor if their children have had episodes of loss of consciousness during electronic games, as in case of negligence it could lead to death in children. The news in question was also published as a story on Joq Albania's instagram. Just a few hours later, surprisingly, the story was deleted, with the same motivation: it was against instagram's guidelines against violence and dangerous organizations. This deletion was really absurd, since in this case it is not even about for violence or dangerous organizations.


The third case was even more incredible than the other two. Joq Albania published a news about 6 young Albanians considered as true heroes because in just 33 hours they completed the considerable amount of €600,000 to help Klevis Gjeluca, the boy who had an accident in Shkodër to be cured in a hospital in Rome. It is about Aleks Visha, Ideal Domi, Rudian Balliu, Fabio Dushku, Flori and Dijonis Biba, together with several other boys. This news, which lifted the hearts of Albanians because of the humanity and the very quick reaction shown, was also posted as a story on Joq Albania's official Instagram. Surprisingly, a few hours later this story was deleted from Instagram with the same motivation: it was against the guidelines against violence and dangerous organizations. It is unclear to any sane mind how the help that 6 young men gave to Klevis to complete in record time the amount needed to be cured in Italy can be incitement to violence or violent organization. Perhaps the Rama-Veliaj couple were left speechless by the organization of the people in record time compared to the vicissitudes and clumsiness of an entire state when it comes to helping Albanians.


Impressed by the great humanitarian action of six young people to collect the considerable amount for sending Klevis for treatment in Italy, Joq Albania made a survey through a story on its official Instagram account. The survey question was: "Who deserves to lead Tirana"? As a response to the survey, there were the following two alternatives: A) "The people who collected donations for Klevis" and B) "Erion Veliaj with his group". The voting was massive and 98% of the public definitely chose the first alternative, i.e.: "The people who collected donations for Klevis". This time, too, Instagram deleted the story for exactly the same reason: the story was against Instagram's guidelines on violence and dangerous organizations. The only violence that can be perceived in this case is the "violence" of 98% of the voters who voted against Erion Veliaj.


In a series of consecutive attacks and deletions of stories within a few days, Joq Albania made a post on its Instagram page where presented the situation to the public regarding how its stories were surprisingly deleted by the attack of Erion Veliaj and his G-99 group. In this post, the messages received from Instagram about the deleted stories were presented with the absurd motivation that they were against Instagram's guidelines against violence and dangerous organizations. Even this post was absurdly deleted by Instagram for the same motive "violence and dangerous organizations".


The sixth and last case was not only surprising, but also shocking. A breaking news story where a border policeman killed a 12-year-old minor in an accident was reported by almost all the media. This news was also reported by the journalists of Joq Albania and was also presented in its Instagram story. The headline of the news was: "The border police accidentally killed the 12-year-old in Gjirokastër". Can you guess what happened? Even in this case, a few hours after publishing the story, Instagram deleted it again with the same motive as the previous 5 cases: the story was considered against Instagram's guidelines against violence and dangerous organizations. This story had a police car as an illustrative photo. In this case, the question that arises is: Does Instagram consider the Albanian police as a violent and dangerous organization?

All these consecutive attacks with the same motive and for such a short period of time clearly show that a whole army of patronageists who are paid by Albanian taxes, have reported for violence every story published by Joq Albania. So with the Albanian tax money, the Rama-Veliaj couple closed the Instagram of the only media where every Albanian without distinction found a place where their voice was reflected unequivocally and without censorship.

Meanwhile, Joq Albania, thanking all Albanians wherever they are, invites you to follow our second profile on Instagram called Joq News.

Despite the successive attacks to shut down the only unsold voice in the media, Joq Albania as much as it can after the closure of its Instagram with 1.3 million followers, continues and will always be at the service of truth, law enforcement and as the undeniable voice of every Albanian! Thank you for your unlimited support!

FACT CHECK: Synimi i JOQ Albania është t’i paraqesë lajmet në mënyrë të saktë dhe të drejtë. Nëse ju shikoni diçka që nuk shkon, jeni të lutur të na e raportoni këtu.
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