Minister Niko Peleshi “goes crazy”, spends 800 million on parties with hostess girls

Shkruar nga: M Gjini | Publikuar më: 20.10.2022, 20:19

Our Minister of Defense, Mr. Niko Peleshi seems to have the country's defense strategy clear in his mind. He's even done so well with the military that he doesn't need anything more than to start celebrating. But where are there more beautiful parties than those where the hostess girls are in uniform? This seems to have been thought by the minister who plans to spend over 800 million lek from the state budget for artistic activities.

One can create the impression that Albania is already the most powerful army in the world and no one can harm it. That's why we have the luxury of using all these money as "grapes and plums", since it seems we don't need any modernization of the army. It seems that all other problems have been solved, from the conditions of the soldiers' accommodation, food, uniform to their payments. For this, a tender has been organized with the reference number REF-44681-10-06-2022.

Its object is "Services necessary for the realization of artistic and sports activities as well as activities with different themes that are organized by the dependent structures of the Ministry of Defense and SHPFA". The limit fund is estimated at 68,657,800 new ALL without VAT or over 800 million old ALL including VAT. If we browse the documents, unprecedented abuses appear. It is seen, for example, that 8 hostess girls in uniform are needed to wait for the guests so that they do not get confused and sit at the wrong table.

50 tables and 50 chairs are needed, but they also need 700 carpets and rugs. 15 photo services and 20 video services are required with a duration of only 3 hours/activity. 20 camera and drone services are needed for 3 hours of filming, etc., etc.

Another questionable fact is the audio equipment. It is seen that 25 boxes are needed for music, 25 boxes for speech, 25 passive boxes with the possibility to hang and so on. The list is very long and it is not understood why so many audio devices are needed that perform the same function. Perhaps, as we already said, the priorities of protection have changed and in the first place are parties with hostess girls.

FACT CHECK: Synimi i JOQ Albania është t’i paraqesë lajmet në mënyrë të saktë dhe të drejtë. Nëse ju shikoni diçka që nuk shkon, jeni të lutur të na e raportoni këtu.
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