The degradation of the State Police! The police observed JOQ with the FAKE profile under the name “LANDA”

Shkruar nga: F Tenolli | Publikuar më: 27.10.2020, 14:07

Day by day, the police of Lleshi loses ground from its mission, which is supposed to be to fight real criminality... not only does it not protect and respect the citizens, but it is against them by violating, blackmailing, trampling and ignoring them. The institution in question, which is paid by our taxes and aims to be at the service of citizens, deviates from its mission, supposed to be the body that should protect Albanians. Thus, we start this next article, to better understand what "crime-fighting" activities this institution is paid for. The editors of JOQ ALBANIA, after the last case published with facts, where the police were again "fighting crime" by looking at the posts of JOQ, has already pointed out another gesture, let's say the most scandalous one on the part of the Lleshi's police!

Read carefully friends, this institution has degraded to its last degree! This time, in the document provided by JOQ, the police started a report on the inspection of JOQ Albania's ADVERTISEMENTS! The object of the record review is the computer data related to the companies that have placed their advertisements on our site.


Thus, OPGJ (Oficer of Judicial Police) Gjenovefa Budo, at the Computer Crimes Investigation Sector, has started her working day by monitoring at the advertisements that are illustrated in our online media. The latter has started a record where it records all the details of the page, which it has opened through the Mozilla Firefox browser, and then starts monitoring through Facebook, but this is where the first ripples start. .. we thought that only Renaissance militants had fake accounts that attacked the opposition media with comments and defended the leader by flattering him like "Let the God take me before you!" or "Skanderbeg of the Albanian nation", BUT NO! Even the police use fake profiles, one of them was used by OPGJ of our record Gjenovefa, the FAKE profile is called "LANDA". And so Landa has reviewed our website and has gone to the advertising and banner sector of our website, analyzing them one by one to see if there were any new ones, any additions to those that were on the webpage. But when we talk about police, we also take into account the level of intelligence and thus OPGJ Landa has also clicked Google ads thinking they were banners on our site. However, at the end of the record, nothing irregular was found.

The officer has spent her working day looking at all the ads that appear on the site, specifying what they are and explaining what they are about. Pretty productive day for the officer! So, dear citizens, are you clear now?! This is the next example that shows what the State Police does, it monitors the opposition media with fake profiles.

FACT CHECK: Synimi i JOQ Albania është t’i paraqesë lajmet në mënyrë të saktë dhe të drejtë. Nëse ju shikoni diçka që nuk shkon, jeni të lutur të na e raportoni këtu.
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