NOVEMBER 29, 2019 – NOVEMBER 29, 2021/ 2 years since the closure of JOQ Albania (HISTORY)

Shkruar nga: F Tenolli | Publikuar më: 29.11.2021, 13:39

It's been 2 years since JOQ ALBANIA was declared an official enemy of the Renaissance government, only because in those days it was standing by the people's side and destroying the interests of the rulers at the time when the earthquake shook the Albanians and many families were left without a roof over their heads.

But how does the chronology of events stand?

November 28, 2019, 11:19 a.m. – Media warning by Prime Minister Rama.

Finding himself in a country where he could not manage the situation caused by the catastrophic earthquake, Prime Minister Rama found the time to warn the media. Through a post on Facebook, Rama writes that he would intervene forcefully to shut down the media until the end of the earthquake situation.

November 28, 2019 – (a few hours after Rama's post) – Attack on JOQ ALBANIA.

Prime Minister Rama's army, a few hours after the warning post, attacked the website of JOQ ALBANIA concluding several posts, which were found as an excuse, to declare an enemy and to silence a media that was dealing with any problem caused by the earthquake.

November 28, 2019 at 18:00 – Announcement that declared in search two administrators of JOQ ALBANIA.

The Director of the Directorate for the Investigation of Economic and Financial Crimes in the State Police, Lutfi Minxhozi, issued a press release and announced the search for the two administrators of JOQ ALBANIA on the charge of publishing fake news, while JOQ had collected more than 100 thousand dollars for families in need.

November 29, 2019 – JOQ ALBANIA domain is closed

After the investigation of the state police in JOQ ALBANIA, sometimes with real profiles and sometimes with profiles of girls, such as the officer Landa with a fake 'account', AKEP orders the domain to be closed. This also marked the open struggle of the Renaissance against a media that was standing together with the citizens who were in difficulties.

The site was closed under the Gambling Law. A real scandal!

As the work of the staff continues, even with more dedication, a large part in Albania, you still don't understand what the closure of the domain has brought, without a Court decision. Ilir Zela, former head of AKEP, but also Tomi Frashëri, the current head of AKEP, who describes JOQ ALBANIA as a 'gambling activity', have not taken any responsibility for this.

Therefore, from the beginning, but today even more, JOQ demands the responsibles answer infront of the law. Also, JOQ ALBANIA calls for a peaceful protest on Thursday, December 2, in front of the Albanian Parliament, where those who order violations of Albanian citizens gather. JOQ has been and will always be at the service of citizens, as this is our mission. On December 2, the support for us is the common people, those who knock and get solutions from the hard work of the staff of this media.

FACT CHECK: Synimi i JOQ Albania është t’i paraqesë lajmet në mënyrë të saktë dhe të drejtë. Nëse ju shikoni diçka që nuk shkon, jeni të lutur të na e raportoni këtu.
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