SPAK “sleepers” instead of investigating abusive tenders, give a suspicious tender to “InfoSoft Office” for themselves

Shkruar nga: M Gjini | Publikuar më: 14.09.2022, 19:03

It's been a long time since Joq Albania publishes some questionable tenders every day. Just imagine how high the number of abuses that happen to them is. But on the other hand, the state institutions that should investigate these irregular procedures, also carry out such procedures themselves.

One of them is SPAK itself, which turns out to organize dubious tenders. Perhaps this fact also explains the reason why no measures have been taken for many questionable tenders. Guess when you do the questionable bidding yourself, you can't expect to investigate others.

But what happened? It turns out that the Special Prosecutor's Office Against Corruption and Organized Crime, SPAK for short, has organized the tender with the reference number REF-39360-08-19-2022 and has as its object "Purchase of paper". This procedure has as fund limit the figure of 8,768,670 new ALL without VAT or about 105 million old ALL with VAT.

From the study of the documentation of this tender, it is noted that 4 companies participated. But surprisingly, it turns out that one of the participating companies has offered zero ALL. This is a scheme typically used in abusive tenders where there are strong suspicions that the winner has been predetermined before the start of the tender procedure.

Logically, in any competition, it does not make sense to participate and offer zero ALL, since you might as well not participate at all. But it seems that in this tender it was necessary to have "enough" participants. Meanwhile, "InfoSoft Office" owned by Gëzim Dobi and Frederik Prodani was declared the winner. This company has been declared the winner for the value of 5,951,910 new ALL without VAT or about 71 million old ALL with VAT.

FACT CHECK: Synimi i JOQ Albania është t’i paraqesë lajmet në mënyrë të saktë dhe të drejtë. Nëse ju shikoni diçka që nuk shkon, jeni të lutur të na e raportoni këtu.
  • Leli Alushaj
    Leli Alushaj, kamarieri i një restoranti në Tiranë, i cili me ndërhyrjen e tij të shpejtë i shpëtoi jetën një turisteje spanjolle, teksa ajo po mbytej.
    Robert Neçaj
    Roja bregdetare, i cili shpëtoi nga mbytja në plazhin e Shëngjinit dy persona, motër e vëlla, teksa dhe vetë përfundoi në spital. Ai u dëmtua shumë gjatë aksionit të tij të shpëtimit, por sot, fatmirësisht gëzon shëndet të plotë.
    Roje bregdetare në Sarandë, i cili shpëtoi nga mbytja, babë e bir. Pamjet se si ai nxirrte nga uji babë e bir u bën virale dhe u shpërndanë edhe në faqet e JOQ ALBANIA.
    Djali i mitur
    Djali i mitur, që shet lule pranë qendrës së Tiranës, për të siguruar libra dhe rroba për shkollë. Ai ulet në trotuar dhe u kërkon qytetarëve që të blejnë lulet e tij.
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